Totally worth the tears <3

Boys Don't Cry
Friday evening/night was partially (mostly?) spent watching the movie 'Boys Don't Cry' with Jacob - a movie from 1999 I haven't seen before but thought about seeing for a while. It's based on a true story about Brandon; a transgendered FtM (Female to Male). Warning: This is NOT a feel-good-movie!
I don't want to say too much about the movie, the happenings or the characters - I would hate to ruin the experience or write spoilers for those of you who haven't seen the movie. Yet. Haven't seen the movie yetBecause you should definitely see it!
Brandon is visiting a small town in Nebraska (I might remember the place wrong, don't shoot me for it) where he makes new friends and meets a pretty girl he starts to like. He likes the town and the people, but nothing is ever easy! Keeping a secret from his friends and keeping away from his hometown... Of course things won't stay simple! Being a boy born in a female body is something Brandon wants to keep a secret from the new friends - his body has nothing to do with who he is after all. If people knew he had the body of a girl, what would they think? Would they still see him as Brandon the boy? Or would he no longer be seen as the boy he is? Would the outer shell be more important than the inner truth? The best thing to do - the easiest, least painful thing - is to not talk about it, to keep it for himself. After all; what does it matter, what significance does it have for anyone else, what his body looks like? He's still himself - Brandon the boy - even if the package doesn't fit the description!
I won't answer these questions for you. Some of them might be answered in the movie, some of them might not - the best way to find out is to watch it.
Picture from:
I cried at one part of the movie, but 'Boys Don't Cry' is totally worth any tears you might shed!
Hope you enjoy the movie experience! And after you've seen it (or if you've already seen it), feel free to share your own thoughts on it :) Just remember to keep it spoiler-free or I might delete the comment as to avoid any unnecessary spoilers for other people.
Have a nice day!
**Allan Émile**

Prince of Cats


On my computer (or more exactly my Internet browser) I have a map titled ‘Comics’ filled with bookmarks leading to wonderful comics I’ve found on the Internet. These are comics I love to read over and over again – I look at them at least once a day so not to miss any updates! Not surprisingly most of the comics are in some way lgbt-related. Some of them are completed, some of them are unfortunately discontinued (it always makes me sad to think about this) and some of them are still going strong. Some of the comics are also available to buy in book-format (Yay! ^_^) – I LOVE owning the books and being able to look at them in my bookshelf! Even if I’m not always the fastest with ordering the books, due to money shortage and other stuff…


One of my absolute favourites of these comics is ‘Prince of Cats’ ( Unfortunately I don’t have the published issues in my bookshelf yet, but as soon as I get some extra money they shall be mine! And I shall cuddle them and love them and spoil them with a nice spot on the shelf and treasure them and… And I think I shall stop there before everyone starts to think I’m totally crazy XP


Beside the regular issues of the comic, it would also be totally awesome to own the ‘Erotic Books: Extracurricular’ issues (too bad I missed out on the first issue, but I will make sure to get the coming issues!).


Anyway, back to the comic! My favourite character is Frank, because he’s such a cutie ^_^ I feel like I can relate to him – he’s not too outgoing and he has his selected group of friends. It feels like he doesn’t need everyone’s approval for his interests, but he’s capable of living his life without fitting in with all the “cool people”. I also like Frank and Lee’s relationship; they’re so different, yet such good friends. Not everything is without problems for them, they have their fights and disagreements, they’re not entirely sure where they stand in the other’s book and they have to work at taking the relationship further than friendship. Not everything goes smoothly and without a hitch – it makes the relationship feel real and not like a make-believe fairytale.


And Sam… What can I say about Sam? I’m ftm myself, so I can totally relate to him! It’s not easy coming out to everyone, but at the same time it’s not easy to listen and pretend whenever someone uses the feminine pronoun. It doesn’t matter if the person doesn’t know that one’s transgender, it always feels wrong, like something isn’t right. I really hope everything works out for the best for him in the end and that he’ll feel comfortable to be who he is – not only in front of a selected few, but in front of the world!



Best of luck to all the characters! And I’m sending Sam some extra luck and wishes for the best! And as always; I’m looking forward to reading more and more and more ^_^




The nice people at ‘Prince of Cats’ have a wonderful contest that I’m entering with this blog entry. This contest is the reason I finally updated my blog and decided to write a little about this wonderful comic. I don’t expect to win the contest with this, but it’s a nice way to show my support for the comic and the artist! It has also given me the incentive I’ve needed to start writing again (I’m going to update my homepage and continue with my fics soon too, I promise!). I’ve been in a terrible dry spell (aside from schoolwork), but I want to write more for my – and other’s – sake again. And since I find it incredible boring to continuously write about my life and on goings, I’m going to start writing about mainly comics and fanfictions I like instead. I might throw in some stuff about my life too… (Wow, my followers should be happy about this and it actually gives me an excuse to publish a link to my blog on my facebook too - there's finally something to read here again!) This means that I’m going to start writing in English, which isn’t my first language = please correct me if I spell something wrong or use the wrong grammar and stuff! I’ve also changed the layout of my blog, since I’ve grown tired of the messy one I had until now. Hopefully this feels less messy :)




That’s all for now! Have a nice day! ^_^


**Allan Émile**


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