Totally worth the tears <3

Boys Don't Cry
Friday evening/night was partially (mostly?) spent watching the movie 'Boys Don't Cry' with Jacob - a movie from 1999 I haven't seen before but thought about seeing for a while. It's based on a true story about Brandon; a transgendered FtM (Female to Male). Warning: This is NOT a feel-good-movie!
I don't want to say too much about the movie, the happenings or the characters - I would hate to ruin the experience or write spoilers for those of you who haven't seen the movie. Yet. Haven't seen the movie yetBecause you should definitely see it!
Brandon is visiting a small town in Nebraska (I might remember the place wrong, don't shoot me for it) where he makes new friends and meets a pretty girl he starts to like. He likes the town and the people, but nothing is ever easy! Keeping a secret from his friends and keeping away from his hometown... Of course things won't stay simple! Being a boy born in a female body is something Brandon wants to keep a secret from the new friends - his body has nothing to do with who he is after all. If people knew he had the body of a girl, what would they think? Would they still see him as Brandon the boy? Or would he no longer be seen as the boy he is? Would the outer shell be more important than the inner truth? The best thing to do - the easiest, least painful thing - is to not talk about it, to keep it for himself. After all; what does it matter, what significance does it have for anyone else, what his body looks like? He's still himself - Brandon the boy - even if the package doesn't fit the description!
I won't answer these questions for you. Some of them might be answered in the movie, some of them might not - the best way to find out is to watch it.
Picture from:
I cried at one part of the movie, but 'Boys Don't Cry' is totally worth any tears you might shed!
Hope you enjoy the movie experience! And after you've seen it (or if you've already seen it), feel free to share your own thoughts on it :) Just remember to keep it spoiler-free or I might delete the comment as to avoid any unnecessary spoilers for other people.
Have a nice day!
**Allan Émile**

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